Rother Walking Guide route nr 4 which is also covered under route 6 in the Sunflower Madeira Guide along the Levada do Norte.
17 October took the 0900 express bus nr 7 from just outside Funchal Marina towards Ribeira Brava
17 October took the 0900 express bus nr 7 from just outside Funchal Marina towards Ribeira Brava
with the objective of doing the Rother Walking Guide route nr 4 which is also covered under route 6 in the Sunflower Madeira Guide along the Levada do Norte.
Just after exiting the last motorway tunnel as the bus headed for Ribeira Brava, we got off the bus at around 0930hrs
and headed up the road
sign-posted to Faja da Ribeira
after asking local people,
we found the trail to the Levada do Norte by the side of a white house
marked Entrada 85
and proceeded up the steps between the houses
the trail climbed steeply higher and higher between cultivated terraces
the light contrast between the bright sunlight and the deep shadow on this side of the valley made it difficult for the camera to find the correct exposure
by 1015hrs we reached the Levada do Norte
Turned left along the Levada towards the north
the levada was much smaller and less well maintained than most of the other levadas we have seen
sky still blue
looking down to the entrance to one of the many road tunnels
Evidence of fairly recent fire damage - here the railing has been severely damaged
abandoned cave dwellings
The trail following the levada became unclear at the bridge crossing the ravine at Espigao
tried to follow the levada but the route was blocked with fallen trees
dense undergrowth and fire damage
so we decided to cross the ravine and climb the steps on the other side up through the abandoned hamlet of Espigao
good views from the top of the hill
more evidence of fire damage and abandoned houses
and no indication of how to regain the levada route so retraced our steps to the bridge below
had another attempt to find the levada path by following the plastic pipe which seemed to be the way they had repaired the damaged levada channel
more evidence of forest fire
the levada water entering the plastic pipe
after following several false trails
we finally gave up and retraced our steps along the levada
to the place where we had first encountered the levada and continued along the levada towards Boa Morte in the south
past more cultivated terraces
and a unique WC carved into the rock - but with running piped water!
the route went through someones vine covered terrace
then once more the trail was lost
explored the area for a while and re-found the levada
but after a short while, the path became very exposed and blocked with vegetation
after trying various options, finally gave up and returned to the junction where the bus had dropped us off
we walked a short distance direction Ribeira Brava and hailed a bus which kindly took us into town for no charge.

Whilst having a coffee at a cafe close to the bus stop an enterprising minibus taxi driver asked us if we would like to join him to Funchal - for the same price as the bus - 7 euros for 2. As the bus was not due for anther 30 minutes we accepted with alacrity and had a very rapid return trip - back on Dutch Link by 1430hrs after an enjoyable if not a bit frustrating hike.
The link from the UK Daily Mail below gives an idea of how much Madeira has suffered from fires this year
Whilst having a coffee at a cafe close to the bus stop an enterprising minibus taxi driver asked us if we would like to join him to Funchal - for the same price as the bus - 7 euros for 2. As the bus was not due for anther 30 minutes we accepted with alacrity and had a very rapid return trip - back on Dutch Link by 1430hrs after an enjoyable if not a bit frustrating hike.
The link from the UK Daily Mail below gives an idea of how much Madeira has suffered from fires this year
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