Hike La Gomera from Pajarito to Hermigua 5 May 2011
5 May we took the Nr 1 Bus from San Sebastian to Pajarito close to the 1487 peak of Mt Garajonay, the highest peak on La Gomera, in the Garajonay National Park. From here we hiked to Hermigua following route 49 in Rother's Walking Guide. The first part of this, the most well know of the island's many hiking trails, is through the ancient Laurisilva Bosque del Cedro. This wood consists mainly of evergreen Laurel and Heather Trees. We stopped for a picnic lunch close to the Ermita de Lourdes where a hungry Chaffinch dropped in to join us Please Click on arrow to start video clip
Closeby a tree provided a constant stream of water - so cleverly engineered that we were not able to work out the source of the flow. Many wild flowers en route This is one of the few places on the island where streams flow all year round. From time to time one had views of neighbouring Tenerife. Emerging from the forest Hermigua, our destination came into view way down the much terraced valley, some 550 meters below. The path for this final part of the walk consists of hundreds of meters of steep rock steps - very hard on the knees ! From time to time one had views of a very long waterfall. Then the first of the Twin Crags, Los Gemelos, come into view as one nears Hermigua Irrigation pipes follow the route to the fertile valley. Once in Hermigua we took the Nr 2 bus back from Hermigua to San Sebastian
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