1830 hrs 20 June we were at the Praca de Torros ready for the bullfight - our first for many years. We treated ourselves to seats in the best sector - the Sombra (shade) rather than Sol (sun) or Sol/Sombra. Terceira is one of the few Azores Islands where the spectacle is still enthousiastically pursued.
The evening's programme included 3 bulls to be fought on horseback by a mainland Portuguese Toreador, Luis Rouxinol - with the bull finally subdued by the usual Portuguese line up of young daredevils.
Once subdued , the bulls were encouraged to leave the ring with capes and flags (unlike in Portugal where a herd of cows is brought in the ring to calm the bull down
The other 3 bulls were fought by a Spanish Matador, Miguel Angel Perera , Spanish style but without the gruesome Picador and without killing the bull by sword in the ring.
Before the bull enters the ring, its weight (in kilos) and number are displayed on a board. After entering the ring , the bull is played with with pink/ yellow capes. All bulls came from the Rego Botelho ranch.
Please click on arrow at bottom left to start video clip of opening circuit
However, he disappointed the crowd with several misplaced banderilleros (barbed darts) and after one fight was not given the usual round of honour.
Please click on arrow at bottom left to start video clip of bullfight on horseback
The head guy then dons his funny red/green hat and, with halting steps, approaches the bull making Ugh Ugh sounds with hands on hips. At a certain moment, the bull gets irritated b
Please click on arrow at bottom left to start video clip of Portuguese style bullfight nr 1
Please click on arrow at bottom left to start video clip of Portuguese style bullfight nr 2
Please click on arrow at bottom left to start video clip of appreciation of bravery
Please click on arrow at bottom left to start video clip of Spanish style bullfight
PUTUGAL e uma merda e verdade e verdade! Nao trabalhos pa os Velhos e os Jovems...e verdade e verdade! E racismo puro e muito desgraciado!
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